Home সাহিত্য Hamlet’s Epitaph

Hamlet’s Epitaph

– Mahdeen Wahed Chowdhury

Prince Hamlet was a young and interesting soul
Fighting through hard times, finding out his uncle was a mole
His emotions were depp and o’ so cold
For the murder of his father was very bold.
Hamlet then spoke to the ghost of his dead dad
He planned for revenge
He was going to act mad.
His uncle: Claudius was to blame
For the murder of his brother has brought him great shame
But no one knew, so he took the riches, the girl, the crown and all the fame.
Hamlet met his former love
Ophelia was a beautiful dove
But when Hamlet talked like a crazed man
Polonius saw and decided to talk to the man above.
On his way home Hamlet saw actors made to cheer him up
He saw this as an opportunity
The play would mimic the murder of his father
And would prove whether Claudius was guilty.
Ophelia was abused by Hamlets cold words
Did he love her or not, he was as crazed as a crow bird
Polonius and Claudiu wanted to ship Hamlet to Great Britain
But it was up to Gertrude; Claudius’s little kitten.
The Murder of Gonzago was the name of the play
That mimicked the murder of his father that may
Claudius’s reaction was not to Hamlets dismay
He ran out the room to see the light of day.
Claudius then escaped the dastardly play
He went to the church so he can pray
Hamlet did not know if it was worth it
Killing his uncle in a place of worship.
Polonius decided to hide behind an arras
Like a bad president, his move was careless
Hamlet met with the queen, his words were unkind
They were truthful, messing with her mind.
In return, the queen cried for help
Polonius copied, but with a bloodthirsty yelp
Hamlet had just struck him with his sword
He was going to deal with him on his own accord.
He returned to his mother, but he saw a ghost
He apologized for his manners, like a bad host
He left the room and regrets for being naughty
Sooner or later, they were going to find Polonius’s body

Hamlet was being shipped to England
With his two friends,
but they did not know
That their trip was going to take an awful bend.
Hamlet found the kill letters, then switched them up
Then he escaped with some pirates
Like a stray pup.
Laertes came back from Paris, filled with anger
For the murder of his father was like committing slander
But claudius calmed him down
Hamlet was going to be killed for the crown
Laertes was going to have a fearsome fencing fight with hamlet who was quite fine,
But Laertes’s sword will be poisoned
And so will the wine
The dastardly deadly duel was on its way
There was going to be many frills
But to the audiences dismay,
Young Hamlet was going to be killed
Hamlet and Laertes were fighting like the atmosphere and the sun rays
But when Claudius offered Hamlet the poisoned wine,
Gertrude drank it like it was kool-aid
Gertrude then saw through Claudius’s lie
Then Laertes stabbed Hamlet
They were both sure to die.
Hamlet then stabbed laertes like he was a rat
On his body, Hamlet then spat
Then Claudius was next
The poisoned sword dug deep in his chest.
Hamlet then lay
With a happy heart
Horatio was next to him
Hamlet had done his part.
Hamlet died a brave young man
Over the tough life obstacles
He through ran.

Mahdeen Wahed Chowdhury lives in Toronto

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